Putting customers at the heart of the user experience to make products and services as easy to use as possible. 

To efficiently achieve high levels of customer satisfaction, today’s product/service development uses a disciplined, customer-centric approach. This usually saves time or money or both, largely because the challenges of “what should we make?” and “how should we make it?” are being resolved in parallel. This way of working involves a multidisciplinary team of business people, technologists and user-focused designers tackling complex problems together.

We can support teams to build their product and service design expertise through the provision of consulting, coaching and education in product/service development and product/service optimisation.  We’ll work with you to facilitate moving from the idea stage to the developed concept stage as efficiently and productively as possible. Not only that, we'll help you to delight your customers by providing them with more of what they want, and less of what they don't.

We utilise a range of approaches including design thinking, user experience design, human-centred design and agile ways of working to improve the design process.  Our goal is to get your team to a self-sufficient and highly effective state of collaborative design thinking. We’ll work with you to develop a repeatable, high-performance team process that everyone on the team contributes to.


Our services include:
  • Design sprint facilitation
  • Concept refinement facilitation
  • User/customer engagement & research
  • Prototyping & user testing
  • Design thinking and service design training

Our Consultants