Deliver at the speed of change. 

Technological advancements, shifting market conditions and changing customer expectations are all driving the need for more adaptable organisations.   But while our external environment is changing at pace, much of our organisational thinking, planning and processes have stayed the same. 

An agile delivery approach recognises that in these challenging and complex environments, old ways of working no longer serve us. In its place, we must adopt a culture of learning and a change-mindset to provide the greatest competitive advantage. 

If you’re looking to move to an agile delivery or to undertake an agile transformation, we offer consulting, coaching and educational services to support you on your journey. We will help you to lay the foundation for agility through the creation of high performing delivery teams. This includes adopting and embedding the principles and practices of agility, creating an agile culture and becoming a learning-centric organisation that is adaptive and responsive to change.  

We typically support customers through three phases of an agile adoption: enabling agile delivery; optimising agile delivery; and enhancing agile delivery. 

Our services include:
  • Agile delivery strategy
  • Agile road-mapping, and roll-out planning and implementation
  • Executive awareness and engagement 
  • Agile education and coaching for delivery and support teams
  • Agile team formation, roles and responsibilities, and self-organisation
  • Standardisation of practices and approaches
  • Workflow management and optimisation
  • Design approaches (HCD, Design Thinking, Service Design)
  • Value delivery optimisation

Our work

When DBS began their agile journey to become a digital leader, SoftEd partnered with them to support their agile transformation. View the video below to find out more.