Agile walls Part 3 – testing walls

16 October

My last post was about Architecture Walls, this one is a distillation of the architecture into the testing world. In this post, I describe how testing can be displayed, tracked and managed on a wall for an Agile Team

Testing walls.

Testing walls are similar to architecture walls but take a different dimension. Test coverage can be classified by colour (the type or level of testing) and also by status (pass or fail). One of my favourite approaches is to have a high-level architecture diagram and then cover it with cards indicating the testing planned either manual or automated, at what level. As the testing progresses the cards can be annotated or coloured either red or green for a pass or fail. If the team wishes to track defect density, adding a red card every time a test fails allows the thickness of the card pile to reflect the riskiness of the code/solution underneath. This is excellent for selecting likely regression tests to run during an iteration or a release.

Image of a test coverage plan

Figure 9-Test Coverage Plan


Image of test result mapping

Figure 10 – Test Result Mapping


This approach can also be used to track automation, regression, non-functional attributes or any other aspect of test coverage that is required to be known by the team. This is a very powerful tool in spotting defect clusters as well as areas of the system that are highly fragile and prone to regression.


Posted by Sharon Robson


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