How do we use metrics that matter to drive better business performance and continuous improvement? In this podcast we'll explore using Key Business Indicators. We'll discuss what to measure, how to measure, and most importantly why metrics are useful.  Paul Mantica, Project Manager and University…
What is the difference between the roles of the Product Manager, the Product Owner and the Business Analyst, and who does what? In this podcast we delve into the world of product management and discuss how we best combine skills and experience to create value.          Summary     ICAgile has just…
How do we create teams that have diversity of thought to maximise the collective intelligence of our teams? In this podcast we dive into why diversity of thought is important, why it's hard and why you should choose to do it despite the discomfort.       Summary    Cognitive diversity looks into how…
In the latest Management 3. 0 podcast, SoftEd's Vice President and General Manager, David Mantica discusses the imperative to move to new ways of working. The podcast includes the importance of psychological safety in the workplace, the benefits of self-organisation, how to enforce self-leadership…
In this Mastering Business Analysis podcast, SoftEd's Vice President and General Manager, David Mantica discusses how at this time of unrelenting change, we need leadership at all levels.    This podcast covers how to manage unrelenting change, how to enable teams, and what leadership looks like at…
The old school approach to leadership is dying, How can we adapt as leaders to face the challenges of the modern workplace? In this podcast we take a pragmatic approach to applying new ways of working.      Summary    This episode of the podcast explores the death of the old school leadership…
How do we learn at the speed of change? In this podcast we discuss adaptive leadership. What is it? And how can managers move from a traditional command and control paradigm to one of sensing, responding and adapting to change?     Summary   Guest presenter Pat Reed details her background in…
In the latest Career Pro Inc. podcast, David Mantica discusses meditation in turbulent times.     
How do we perform under pressure? In this podcast we discuss tips and techniques to help us to better manage stressful situations such as we find ourselves in right now with COVID-19.      Summary     There’s lots of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) associated with COVID-19…
In the latest Career Pro Inc. podcast, David Mantica discusses five ways to manage uncertainty and 'virus proof' your career.  
In the latest Career Pro Inc. podcast, David Mantica talks about how to handle work and career issues during turbulent times where much is unknown.    
In the latest Career Pro Inc. podcast, David Mantica chats about why continuing education and training are a critical element of career insurance.     
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