The Better Work Project: Net Export Your Talent

20 January

How can we better nurture and advance the talent within our organisations? And what kind of cultural or leadership support is needed to drive this way of thinking and working? In this podcast, we are joined by Rick Adamson, Career Centre Innovator from Fidelity Investments to discuss how to be a net exporter of talent.



  • Being a net exporter of talent is much like being a net exporter of goods. You are producing more for others than you are consuming for yourself.
  • To be the best manager that you can be, you need to make sure that you are producing more talent than what you are taking in. And what you're taking in, you're converting to talent that is going to be with you for some period of time. 
  • Exporting talent internally has a lot of advantages including cultural fit and saving in recruitment costs. 
  • Often the desire to be a net exporter of talent comes down to an individual managers mindset and ability to nurture staff.
  • Managing people is a responsibility. It’s important to understand the strengths, interests and aspirations of your team member. From there, you can work on their professional development and support their advancement.
  • We need to create opportunities for employees to grow by giving them greater responsibility and autonomy, and then in time championing them for other roles.
  • And as a leader try to find opportunities to have career conversations and to provide work assignments to help your team members to grow.
  • While it can be difficult to lose talented people, it's important to help your employees to realize their potential. That might be within the company, or that might be external.
  • As a manager you want to highlight transferable skills that employees have, that they can bring to other teams.
  • Career vitality requires learning new skills, whether they be technical or soft skills.
  • Stretch assignments give the employee the confidence that they can perform at a different level or new capacity. And as a manager, it helps your brand when you become known as someone who supports and recommends talent internally.
  • Employees need to be outside their comfort zone to learn, but it's important we moderate that. Stretch assignments aren’t always successful. Try to remove some of the negative self-talk and allow mistakes to happen. 
  • The managers role is to create an environment conducive to learning. Talk through the objectives of the project with the team member. Provide clear communication. Make sure they have adequate support.
  • Treat your employees as a company asset.



Project Management Institute (PMI)® accredited webinar: This webinar offers 1 leadership Professional Development Unit (PDU) to put towards your chosen certification. Use the PDU Claim Code: 41021EPK54.


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