Emotional Intelligence in an AI World

Emotional Intelligence in an AI World
23 August 2024

Business Analysis is the people business and people are a complex mix of experiences and emotions as well as logic and reason. Emotional intelligence (EI) was on Plato’s mind 2000 years ago when he wrote “All learning has an emotional base. Learning to understand our own and others emotions is vital as we leverage the capabilities of AI. Machines excel in data analysis and logical reasoning that will replace some human tasks, however, they will not replace understanding the complexity of human emotions. Developing skills in self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation and social skills is vital in the world of AI. We will explore how to leverage EI capabilities in the AI World through understanding the impact of AI on people. We are responsible to guide organizations to use AI to benefit the business and the people impacted by changes due to AI.



Presented by:

Heather Mylan Mains v2

Heather Mylan-Mains, President, Possibilities with Heather

Heather is from Des Moines, Iowa. She was born there, went to college and graduate school there, raised her children there and lives there. She is a stimulus for change as a mom, consultant, business analysis instructor, and a longtime volunteer for IIBA®, recently as a Director on the Board.  For the past 20 + years, she has collaborated with a variety of project teams to create better business outcomes. She is a fierce advocate for business analysis and loves to share her passion through speaking, teaching, and mentoring.  She believes business analysis is a thinking profession and applies to everything and everyone! Heather loves to put together puzzles and figure out how the pieces fit together. She also loves to travel and wants to visit everywhere in the world. She has an MBA from Drake University, a BA in Accounting from GrandView College, is a CBAP® , PROSCI and CSM and has survived many PhDs (pretty hard days). 


This is a recorded session of a live webinar event. Watch the webinar above.

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