Once the decision to move to an agile way of working has been made, the hard work starts as the vision is operationalised. 

We work with businesses to get them started on their agile journey by first determining what success looks like for your organisation. Once we have an understanding of your business objectives, we'll help you to develop a transformation plan to help you get there.

Our advisory services are designed to assist you with setting up an agile strategy that encompasses all parts of your business – the operating model, organisational structure and design, current practices and processes and most importantly, people.

We typically begin this process with a discovery phase where interviews, observations and analysis are applied and shared to identify the most pressing issues and opportunities. A roadmap is then created that will help you to prioritise and structure your transformation to provide maximum impact as soon as possible. 

In addition to creating the roadmap to transition to an agile way of working, an agile organisational architecture needs to be designed that will clarify how the various teams and people will work together towards common missions. 

Informed by the organisational strategy, we work with leadership teams across the organisation to facilitate this design. This first starts with instilling the principles of agility and learning from, but not replicating, organisational design structures from successful agile organisations.  Through structured workshops, we will work with you to co-create draft organisational structures and frameworks to support agile pilots. 

Our services include:
  • Assessment, analysis, and change program recommendations
  • Strategy development
  • Transformation road-mapping and planning
  • Executive engagement and executive coaching
  • Organisational structure and design reformation
  • Team design: team type, team practices, team composition and nesting and grouping hierarchies (“squads”, “tribes”, etc)
  • Establishing communities of practice and capability axes (“chapters”, “guilds”, etc)
  • Governance and alignment procedures
  • Coaching and education to own and guide the transformation
  • Establishment of metrics to track the transformation

Our Consultants