In agile organisations, the role of leadership is critical - it is also different from leadership as we know it.

Moving from a rigid to an agile way of working requires a different type of leadership.  In this new context, traditional leadership must give way to adaptive leadership.  As a result, the skills, knowledge and behaviours that made leaders successful in the past, may not serve them well in the future. 

Whilst this change is not easy, it is both possible and necessary. The speed at which organisations transition leaders to this new way of thinking and working will ultimately decide the speed at which you shift your organisation and its culture.

We work with leaders to adopt an agile mindset, tools and techniques that enable teams to achieve their goals in dynamic fast-moving environments. This includes equipping leaders to create clarity of purpose for the team, remove blockers, create an environment where people can do their best work and where they are inspired to constantly evolve and deliver. 

Our approach to leadership change is built around three key principles. As a first step, we will help leaders to understand their new role and key priorities and help them see these as both desirable and achievable. Next, we support leaders to learn through group, team and individual coaching to build new habits that support these priorities. And lastly, we’ll recommend and design new systems that keep the new priorities and habits alive. 

Our services include:
  • Executive leadership coaching
  • Leader as coach programs
  • Adaptive leadership training and workshops
  • Agile talent training and workshops
  • Specialist workshops on topics such as coaching, psychological safety, polarity management, vision setting, OKRs for alignment and team planning, high performance and other areas such as self-awareness, cognitive biases, mental models and sense-making
  • Specialist consulting on developing systems to support the new ways of working including performance management, team health, leader measurement and assessment and capability building
  • Supporting the design of new operating models 




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