The Retrospective Ceremony Criticality in Agile Transformations Webinar

The Retrospective Ceremony Criticality in Agile Transformations Webinar
28 September 2022

The core of Agile is learning fast to ensure value is created. You can’t learn without taking to time to learn.  If you want drive higher value, you need to do retrospectives right.

If you don’t know how to learn you can’t transform.  The agile ceremony of doing a retrospective after each iteration cycle is the critical lynchpin for transformation success. 

In this web seminar, Karla Ramos will dig deeply into the hows and whys of retrospectives and criticality of continuous learning. 

You will learn: 

  • What is a retrospective 
  • When is the best time(s) in a project to perform retrospectives 
  • How to conduct a retrospective 
  • How to bring the team together and open up by failures and learnings 
  • To think differently about how you learn 


Presented by:

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Karla Ramos, Enterprise Agile Coach

Agile Consultant with Tribe of Agile serving enterprise software companies. 
Tribe of Agile takes a "learn by doing" approach that focuses on action and real-world application through: 
Innovation: We facilitate the process by providing a unique blend of strategic workshops designed to help your team define, implement, and sustain your agile transformation.
Training: We provide the foundation to implement the TOA change management approach through training. This helps build the necessary skill sets to develop your people as the organization pivots from traditional practices. 
Transformation: We work side by side with you to sustain the change, build products, and create innovative new solutions for your market through the implementation of sustainable frameworks. 

This is a recorded session of a live webinar event. Watch the webinar above.

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