Implementing Private Large Language Models for In-House AI Solutions

Watch this space, webinar recording coming soon

14 February 2024
This session is a practical overview of implementing private LLMs. You'll get a fundamental understanding of LLMs and how private versions differ from public models. We'll also explain why LLMs shouldn't be the only ingredient in your AI strategy, and other factors that play a role in LLM integration and the overall success of AI strategy. We'll spend a few minutes discussing and taking Q&A on:
  • Data privacy, security, and regulatory compliance concerns
  • Scalability of AI solutions
  • Managing costs
  • Identifying opportunities for efficiency 
  • Pitfalls, challenges, caveats, and  KBYG
We'll discuss infrastructure needs and customization, basic architecture considerations, and how to approach integration of these systems within existing IT environments. We'll give some realistic scenarios and use cases, providing several real-work case study examples from our research. This is particularly beneficial for project managers and strategy developers, offering practical insights into applying these models effectively in their own organizational contexts. The discussion will also benefit decision-makers planning to expand their AI capabilities to realize new value creation opportunities, innovation, efficiency, and sustainability.
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Presented by:


Chris Knotts, Principal Consultant, Technology Transformation Strategies LLC

Chris is an experienced leader in enterprise technology with over two decades in training, coaching, and emergent technology enablement, particularly in project management. He excels in creating transformative technology training programs focused on software development, data environments, and agile methodologies. His expertise encompasses enterprise software engineering, advanced analytics, data engineering, and the application of AI and machine learning in business. Chris combines design thinking and lean technology management to innovate in product development and operational strategies, impacting various sectors such as government, education, and multinational corporations.

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