AI: Accelerating Pace - Increasing Threats/Opportunities

Watch this space, webinar recording coming soon

May 16, 2023

The 2023 introduction of GPT4 and the commercial competition among technology behemoths for dominance in the generative AI space along with the world-wide availability of not-so-rudimentary tools for everyday people to exploit the technology represent a foundational tipping point.

From this presentation you will take away:

· An understanding of how AI, specifically Machine Learning, is changing everything

· Live demonstration of different types of GPT apps in action

· How a healthy skepticism will reward you as AI spreads into every facet of your life

Long-time independent trusted advisor Cris Casey shares his recent research and conclusions on the potential and real impacts, along with strategies and tactics to prosper in an age of AI.

Presented by:

Cris Casey profile photo

Cris Casey, Consultant

Leveraging a deep understanding of the roles communication and information technology play in business, from prior careers as a media producer/director and bespoke application developer, Cris has delivered over $2B in value to clients around the world as an independent consultant and initiative manager.

In his off-time, you’ll find Cris flying quad-line stunt kites, cooking gourmet meals with his wife, researching areas like AI and neuroscience, and writing about things that have a direct impact on how people work, play and live together.

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