Prioritise business decisions based on business value.

Creating agility at a portfolio level allows teams to focus on creating value, identify the real impediments to doing so, and collaborate effectively across the portfolio.  Decision-makers can then understand where value is being created and where it is impeded, as well as being able to focus on creating a roadmap for the future, rather than putting out fires. 

There are a number of factors that inhibit the creation of agility at a portfolio level.  This can include adopting agile frameworks that aren't fit for purpose or scaling what is happening at the team level without anticipating that the constraints and opportunities are different at a portfolio level - where strategy, funding models, resource allocation and competing needs are key challenges.

We advocate a different method to scaling. Our approach begins with a needs assessment to clarify the organisational context, challenges, objectives and opportunities.  Through consulting, coaching and education, we can then build your organisational capability to speed up time to value - this includes aligning initiatives with strategy, using value models to guide investment decisions, and understanding how to monitor and measure progress whilst adapting the flow of work as required.


Our services include:
  • Portfolio assessment
  • Portfolio management guidance
  • Value modelling
  • Change road-mapping
  • Co-creation of new ways of working
  • Coaching and training around changing the organisational mindset whilst providing governance across the portfolio to create a more conducive environment for teams to focus on value realisation

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